AutPlay® Therapy
AutPlay® therapy is a framework developed by Dr. Robert Jason Grant specifically working with neurodivergent children. It is an integrative family therapy approach that address the mental health needs of autistic children, those with ADHD, social anxiety, sensory differences, learning differences, and developmental and physical disabilities. AutPlay® focuses on your child's strengths to create goals and treatment interventions to address their mental health needs.
Inner Mind Counseling honors and values your child for who they are! Every child is unique and has their own unique needs. We understand that every brain and body works differently and may not fit the societal "norm." We work with your child's strengths to create a space for your child to explore and understand their own unique self. We also help you understand your child so that you can best help them navigate the world.
Inner Mind Counseling is currently working toward becoming an Autplay provider.