Parent Coaching
Parenting support services include individual and/or couples counseling to help you with addressing all the challenges that you're having as a parent.
Parenting support can help you with the following:
Identifying parenting goals you have for yourself.
Psycho-education on child development (social, cognitive, and emotional milestones)
Identifying your parenting style
Understanding your child's unique needs
Supporting you with meeting your child's unique needs
Implementing disciplinary approaches that work for your child
Any other support you may need related to parenting
Parenting support is recommended every 4 to 5 weeks if your child is receiving individual counseling. This gives you the opportunity to do the following:
Address your child's treatment goals and progress​ in meeting them
Ask any questions about the therapeutic process
Address any concerns or barriers to counseling
Learn more about your child's strengths
Understand your child's treatment needs
Discuss resources for any further support